We are organisation consultants, working with businesses and health care providers to navigate through periods of growth, change and improvement by getting underneath their aspirations, culture and strategy.

Firstly, we help establish what it is that you want to achieve and why? Using discovery interviews which are non-attributable we can dig deep into what is going on, make visible the interpersonal and organisational dynamics, opportunities and aspirations, drawing a route map and creating the conditions for how aspirations can be turned into achievements.

We then work alongside you on your journey of change; using appreciative inquiry to establish shared commitment, what works and how to build on that. We draw on our expertise in emotional intelligence, motivational maps, MBTI personality profiling and Holacracy, to maximise collective potential through non-hierarchical distributed leadership.

Over the past 11 years we have built a strong and unique reputation with our many and varied clients.

“Janice’s contribution to both Brand’s growth and the transformation needed to kickstart that growth has been extraordinary. From day one, my experience of working with Janice has been on a very collaborative basis. Initially we spent a lot of time in conversation which flowed naturally, yet during which it is clear the questions she asked and the time she took to listen furnished her with the necessary information to really get under the skin of the business, its issues, and what needed to be done to remedy them and push on to the next stage of our growth.”

Steve Mann – Owner

Read testimonials from some of our other clients.

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